DMCSV Format

Contents of Data Mart Comma Separated Values (DMCSV) formatted files.

The primary advantages to using the DMCSV format are that it (1) includes full text descriptions rather than codes or abbreviations, (2) includes the Local and GMT time, and (3) includes the latitude and longitude with each sample (as does AQCSV).
Field Position Field Name Description
1 Latitude The monitoring site's angular distance north of the equator measured in decimal degrees.
2 Longitude The monitoring site's angular distance east of the prime meridian measured in decimal degrees.
3 Datum The Datum associated with the Latitude and Longitude measures.
4 Horizontal Accuracy The reported accuracy (in meters) of the Latitude and Longitude measures.
5 State Code The FIPS code of the state in which the monitor resides.
6 County Code The FIPS code of the county in which the monitor resides.
7 Site Num. A unique number within the county identifying the site.
8 Parameter Code The AQS code corresponding to the parameter measured by the monitor.
9 POC This is the “Parameter Occurrence Code” used to distinguish different instruments that measure the same parameter at the same site.
10 AQS Parameter Desc. The name or description assigned in AQS to the parameter measured by the monitor. Parameters may be pollutants or non-pollutants.
11 Date Local The calendar date of the sample in Local Standard Time at the monitor.
12 24 Hour Local The time of day that sampling began on a 24-hour clock in Local Standard Time.
13 Date GMT The calendar date in Greenwich Mean Time at the monitor for the sample.
14 24 Hour GMT The time of day on a 24-hour clock in Greenwich Mean Time for the sample.
15 Year GMT The calendar year of the sample in Greenwich Mean Time.
16 Day In Year GMT The sequential day in the year of the sample in Greenwich Mean Time.
17 Sample Measurement The measured sample value in the standard units of measure for the parameter.
18 Unit of Measure The unit of measure for the parameter. QAD always returns data in the standard units for the parameter. Submitters are allowed to reporte data in any unit and EPA converts to a standard unit so that we may use the data in calculations.
19 Sample Duration The length of time that air passes through the monitoring device before it is analyzed (measured). So, it represents an averaging period in the atmosphere (for example, a 24-hour sample duration draws ambient air over a collection filter for 24 straight hours). For continuous monitors, it can represent an averaging time of many samples (for example, a 1-hour value may be the average of four one-minute samples collected during each quarter of the hour).
20 Sample Frequency How often the monitor takes a sample. For hourly data (Duration = 1 hour), this field is null and means the frequency is continuous (that is, also 1 hour). Other typical values are daily, every third day, etc.
21 Detection Limit The minimum sample concentration detectable for the monitor and method. NOTE: IF SAMPLES ARE REPORTED BELOW THIS LEVEL, THEY MAY BE REPLACED WITH ½ THIS LIMIT.
22 Measurement Uncertainty The total uncertainty associated with a reported measurement as indicated by the reporting agency.
23 Qualifier Description Sample values may have qualifiers that indicate why they are missing or that they are out of the ordinary. Types of qualifiers are: null data, exceptional event, natural events, and quality assurance.
24 Method Type An indication of whether the method used to collect the data is a federal reference method (FRM), equivalent to a federal reference method, an approved regional method, or none of the above (non-federal reference method).
25 Method Description A short description of the processes, equipment, and protocols used in gathering and measuring the sample.